Thursday, April 12, 2012

Residency Programs: Bringing Face-To-Face To The Master Degree Online

When thinking about a master degree online you should simultaneously be thinking about the residency requirements of the program. It may not be too well-known with those new to the online masters degree program world, but not all online degrees are purely online. There are quite a few with actual class time requirements.

You might be wondering why you should even consider these types of online programs. Quite a few valid reasons come to mind. The number one reason is of course improved networking among master degree online students who engage occasionally in a physical classroom.

Naturally, networking is much more effective face-to-face. This is the advantage of programs with opportunities like these. Students also benefit academically from this.

In relation to the subject being studied, it is easier to get assistance from classmates and teachers who are in reach. The interchange of knowledge and ideas happens at an increased rate. Interacting with people online often leads to slow response time as this communication is seldom seen as urgent.

Residencies just gel well with some courses. This is due to their emphasis on experience or practical learning. Some courses place a great value on practical experience, and if yours does as well then you should definitely choose an online program that offers a lot of classroom time.

This is not as important in fields where knowledge takes preference. These programs are fully capable of delivering the entire program online. In cases like this students don’t worry too much about residencies.

If you do find that a residency can enhance your education, think about how much of it you want to do. School offer different residency programs with different requirements. You could be expected to do half the course online, the other half practically on site.

People whose commitments limit the time they have for campus study need to seek out courses with low residency expectations. It's possible to find programs with just a few days in a semester as part of their residency component. Others have single-semester requirements for the entire program.

The hybrid versions of these residencies are those that have a high on-campus course component. You must take your limitations into account though, no matter what program you choose. We all know that the reason many go with online programs is to avoid going to campus.

A major concern when looking at residencies involved in a master degree online program is how far you are from the institution’s physical classrooms. The further you are from the institution, the less likely you are to take up too many residence requirements. This saves not only sweat, but also money.